Academic Affairs advances the mission of UC San Diego as a student-centered, research-focused, service-oriented public education through initiatives focused on the student experience, diversity and access, interdisciplinary scholarship, community enrichment, and supportive infrastructure. Led by the Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC), Academic Affairs is the largest of the vice chancellor areas at UC San Diego, comprising two divisions, eight schools, the seven undergraduate residential colleges, the University Library, University Extension, and numerous administrative units.
Executive Vice Chancellor
The Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC) serves as the university’s chief academic officer and is responsible for policies and administration of all instructional programs, academic support resources and services, and academic personnel services as well as strategic initiatives to advance UC San Diego’s strategic plan. The EVC is the institution’s second-ranking executive and acts on behalf of the Chancellor as needed. Elizabeth H. Simmons has served as UC San Diego’s Executive Vice Chancellor since 2017.
Academic Affairs Senior Leadership Principles
The senior leadership of Academic Affairs follows guidelines when meeting and discussing topics. Here is an overview of how these meetings are guided.
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
With staff located across 105 and 106 University Center, the EVC Office is administrative home of the central support team for the Executive Vice Chancellor, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Educational Innovation.