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Campus leaders began hosting a series of town halls for faculty, staff, and students during COVID-19 and many of these town halls will continue to be held as we transition into "the new normal." For more information about upcoming town halls, please look for invitations via campus notice and announcements both here and in the Academic Affairs Newsletter.   

Upcoming Events

For a listing of additional campus events organized by category, please visit the UC San Diego Calendar of Events and search by keyword, category or date.

The Future of Academic Affairs Forum

The Future of Academic Affairs Forum is an annual event that allows the Executive Vice Chancellor to share plans, goals and the vision for Academic Affairs at the start of each year. The forum is held each winter quarter and the content of the forum will vary depending on the current work of the EVC and Academic Affairs, in support of the university's Strategic Plan. 

2025 Forum

The 2025 Future of Academic Affairs Forum was held via Zoom on Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. The online event was an opportunity to share ideas and hear about updates, opportunities for collaboration, and the latest news about the campus’ refreshed Strategic Plan

A recording of the event can be viewed below. 

Download the event's PowerPoint slide deck


2024 Forum

The 2024 Future of Academic Affairs Forum was held on Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. The hybrid event covered several topics related to the themes of transparency, consistency, efficiency and a culture of service at UC San Diego, in support of the ongoing refresh of the university’s Strategic Plan. A recording of the event can be viewed below. 

The complete slide deck for the event can be opened using this link to the PowerPoint slide deck. The notes from all of the breakout sessions for the event can be opened here


2023 Forum

A recording of The Future of Academic Affairs Forum 2023, a hybrid event held both online and at the Great Hall in the International House at UC San Diego, can be viewed below. 


2022 Forum

The 2022 forum was an online event which featured remarks from the Executive Vice Chancellor followed by a series of lightning talks and breakout sessions for participants. Recordings of the introductory remarks, lightning talks and recap can be found below. 

Strengthening Diverse Experiences Across Campus

Enhancing the Black Student Experience Symposium

Held annually each April, this week-long symposium is designed to increase awareness of the Black student experience at UC San Diego, with the goal of fostering intentional and sustained action to enhance this experience and promote pro-Blackness at the university.

The 2022 symposium covered undergraduate, graduate and professional education, professional development and alumni engagement and inclusive frontline services. 

HSI Summit

Becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution

Review recordings of the March 11, 2021 summit to learn how you can take action to deepen our student-centered mission and help UC San Diego be the university where LatinX generations rise. 

Symposium on Engaging the Experiences of Students of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern Descent

This in-person symposium was held on June 15-16, 2022, and was a  tracked learning opportunity with the goal of increasing awareness of the experiences of students of Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and Asian descent at UC San Diego to foster intentional and sustained action to enhance their experience, promote student success and well-being, and demonstrate an understanding of the diverse experiences of students from these populations. 

Virtual Event Planning

To increase opportunities for participation, as well as to prevent the spread of COVID-19, events may be shifted from in-person to a hybrid or virtual format. Please review COVID-19 and Event Planning for details. And be sure to check out the following resources for other helpful information: